Tuesday 27 January 2009

Stage 1: the ideas

the objects i randomly picked from a bag were:

Protagonist: Corpse

The main character would be a zombie of some sort otherwise there would be no motion whatso ever unless something crazy happened.

Scene: Museum

They story doesn't always have to start in this location the main character could be asked to head there.

Key item: Postcard

This could be a major or miner plot device depending on the situation.

Project 4: Navigation

The task for the project is to create a narrative made from a random selection of key objects.

This narrative is to then be turned into a script and storyboard, these together are then made into an animatic.

An animatic is the term used to describe a video of the storyboard with the timing of the editing the creator wants to use in the final product.

The animatic is then used as a base for a pre-visualization of the scene in 3D.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Lighting of scene

I have lit the scene only by the 5 lights you see here due to the fact that i wanted the scene to appear quite dark and vacant. No issues with the lighting cropped up.

On another note when i was trying to put the people into the scene so as to cast the shadows, something has gone terribly wrong and i can no longer render the scene using the default maya render. I have tried rendering it with Mentalray but that turnt up dissapointing as the lights didn't want to work the way i wanted then to while rendering with mentalray.

Texturing start and finish

Before i started texturing i created some bins to add to the scene, and then i separated up the main shell of the scene into managable parts for texturing.

Texturing started when i was trying to figure out the feel of the station then it moved on to getting the right texture for each object. When i thought i got the texture right for the object i would render it to see how it looks, this was done for every aspect of the scene.

I encounter a few problems with texture layouts but they were overcome by editing the UV mapping.

Next to come Lighting!

Modeling: Contiued 2

Not much change here i modeled some benches which can be found in this location.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Modeling: Contiued 1

I have started adding some of the details to the scene such as the tracks and pillars.

At one point i accidentally hit the backface culling option (this causes any faces facing away from the camera to be seen through) and what i realised is that the way i made the train station ended up making it inside out. To solove this i found the reverse option under the normals menu fixing my problem.

Monday 12 January 2009

Modeling Start!

I have started work on the tube station within maya. I mainly went for the tube stion due to the thought of it would be relativly easy to make seeing that it is inside and has no openings that look outside so i have no need to craft anything that would be seen outside.

When making the smaller bit of tunnel i ran into a small issue of getting all of the polygons to line up, so i decided to fuse as many of the vertices as i could without it causing more issues and then i connected up the rest of the edges by using the append polygon tool.

The render above only shows from the default lighting at the moment that is why it looks like some kind of abstract art piece but as you can see the basic shape has been made and now i need to add a few pillars, benches, bins, a little bit of rubish, and texture the scene then light it.

While i was doing some other stuff i realised what else may provide a little of 'what the hell?'/creepiness, i thought shadows of people going around doing normal things without the people being seen. i was thinking i could get models of people move them into position and then create a shadow map that i'll re-use and then remove the people and then i shall have the desired effect.

Concept ideas

In these concepts i have tried to convey eeriness but i believe that the underground tube station concept might work so i'm going to go ahead with it.

Tube station

Railway station


Research: The Uncanny

The term 'uncanny' refers to an object of very similar apperence towards another.

There is a point to where uncanny reaches a limit before it becomes creepy and quite scary sometimes especially when it comes to china dolls. This point is called the uncanny valley and that is the ditch found in a graph when comparing believability to human likeness.