Tuesday, 9 March 2010

another globe picture

This one is a bit different as it allows me to see a bit more front on therefore allowing me to see the pillars and doors. Please excuse the watermark.

1 comment:

tutorphil said...

2nd Year - Work Placement Unit – 26th April – Friday 28th May

Your work placement unit commences on Monday 26th April and lasts for five weeks.

Second year students are expected to find their own placements with employers.

Once you’ve established a placement with a company you need to supply me with the contact details of the employer – name, address, email and telephone number – so I can send them the necessary health and safety paperwork. Employers may be able to offer you a placement lasting all – or some of the five week period. You may need to consider multiple placements.

All paperwork must be processed BEFORE the placement can take place (i.e. before 26th April).

Start investigating potential work placements at the soonest possible opportunity.

When you approach employers always be courteous, be clear and explain that you’re seeking work placement as part of your degree programme. If interested companies want more information – or want further clarification from the University – provide my email (pgomm@ucreative.ac.uk) and ask them to contact me.

We will be briefing you further at your Interim Crit on Tuesday March 16th