Tuesday, 22 December 2009

The great globe research part 1

here are some pictures i have found of the great globe, bothe of these give me a good understanding of its structure.




tutorphil said...

Afternoon Nathan,

This is a fascinating subject for your transcription project! I'm really intrigued; the cross-section is particularly satisfying; it also creates the perfect vehicle for a cg reconstruction - the ability to put people back into an experience that is no longer available to them; other things to consider then: the context for your reconstruction - is a television insert, or is it something for a museum exhibit? It's early days obviously, but I think this could really work well for you. I look forward to seeing your research broaden and develop...

Alan Postings said...

Hi Nathan,

Someone has been watching Q.I havent they? I have to say I was fascinated by this building too. What a great idea for an exhibit and a real shame its confined to history now. It would be excellent to see this build again.

Its also a great choice for a project. It fits all the right criteria and will hopefully be an interesting research subject for you too. Go with it. Excellent