I thought that to check whether the characters match up right to put them in the same picture so here its is.
Stage 1: Line Art (Done before scanning)
Stage 2: Base Colour
Stage 3: Light
Stage 4: Shadow
Stage 5: Adding Hero's New Acessories
Stage 6: The background
I realised that the hero needed a bit more detail to compete with hydran so i decided to give him 2 accessories a bracelet for his right arm an a small buckler shield for his left arm, i personally think these add to the character.
Okay - below is a list of the first year blogs; I suggest you follow them and their progress; they're a nice sociable bunch and they're going to need your help and experience as they enter Unit 3 'Tableau Vivant' - their first go at bringing Maya into their creative project... go introduce yourselves!
Dave at http://www.rattie-dave.blogspot.com
Earl at http://yesmynameisearl.blogspot.com
Ruben at http://rubensblogpage.blogspot.com
Charlotte at http://thelastearthangel.blogspot.com
Matt at http://www.hyland255.blogspot.com
Farideh at www.faz-hamoni.blogspot.com
Sam at http://samhayes101.blogspot.com
Simon at http://simon-watts.blogspot.com
Jordan at http://www.jordanbuckner.blogspot.com
Jack at http://nosnevetskcaj.blogspot.com/
Chris S’ at http://cgartunit1.blogspot.com/
Matt at http://mattymunday.blogspot.com/
Ethan at http://aflockofpixels.blogspot.com/
Dan at http://dbrightba.blogspot.com/
Shafi at http://redartideas.blogspot.com/
Leo at http://ltsang.blogspot.com/
Jolanta at http://jolantasketch.blogspot.com/
Richard at http://richard-vc.blogspot.com/
Elliot at http://ellymac.blogspot.com/
Carl at http://cbarrett1985.blogspot.com/
John at http://jonnybone.blogspot.com/
Sean at http://seaku.blogspot.com/
Adam at http://acbailey88.blogspot.com/
Ethan at http://www.ethanclements.blogspot.com/
Godwin at http://godwin-o.blogspot.com/
Kin at http://kinseye.blogspot.com/
Bharathi at www.bharathianthonysamy.blogspot.com/
Barry at http://bpressland.blogspot.com/
Aj at http://ajuj12.blogspot.com/
Alex at http://anwmn.blogspot.com/
Jade at http://jadetm17.blogspot.com/
Bob at http://bobstrife.blogspot.com/
Laura at http://www.psychofreakcg.blogspot.com/
Baja at http://firstforeverything.blogspot.com/
Benja at http://gbengaalake1.blogspot.com
Shahbir at http://shubtastic.blogspot.com/
Julian at http://julianuca.blogspot.com/
Chris G’ at http://chrisguillon.blogspot.com/
Richard B’ at http://rbazeley.blogspot.com/
Hey all, I'm Liam, a third year student.
Everyone is now using blogger on our course, and there's a nice community growing with people following each others blogs and helping each other with issues. Not everyone is linked up to each other though, and I thought a central blog for the course which everyone could post to would be a pretty nice idea. I've made one at this address:
It would also mean that rather then relying on the slow blogfeed and having to surf through the 70 odd blogs that we have between us, we can just come straight to this one.
With a large knowledge base between everyone a lot of issues could be resolved fairly quickly, and so any problems can be posted here, and we will all have quick access to them.
Also if anyone has found any good tutorials, has started a new project blog, has had a breakthrough they're pleased with, or whatever else, they can whack it on here.
Just put a subject in the post title (eg. ISSUE - Blend Shapes, TUTORIAL - Advanced Rigging etc) and blog away.
If you want to join comment in the first post with your email address (can't do it via linking) and I'll send you an author invite. If you don't want your email address published then just send me one (liamscarlino@hotmail.com) saying that you want in.
When you've joined post saying hello, a link to your blog and whatever else you want.
Cheers, hopefully hear from you all soon!
Liam x
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