The task for the Minor Project was to create a self-directed project about anything we wanted to do within 15 weeks. The fact we had no base to stand on and we had to figure out what we wanted to ourselves scared me, i've never really had to come up with my own idea fresh out of the box before.
The Goal:
With this minor project I am hoping to do something that differs from the model of Wyld’s Globe I did during an earlier transcription project. By this I mean to actually create an animation that this time is a totally original idea of mine and hope to improve on my animating and modelling ability during the course of creating this idea for the task.
The idea:
Camera fades in from black to show a small artisan’s workshop (an artisan is a high grade professional crafter) and multiple shelves full of completed solar system models (Orrery).

He places the ball upon the rod and starts up the orrery and lets it spin for a bit. He slams the table and the camera cuts to the side of the worktop as he lifts a waste basket to the table and shoves the rejected orrey into it. He in anger places the waste basket to the side and gets out his chair and storms off, the camera cuts to the orrery in the trash and zooms in closer to the label on the base, the label states “ Orrery of Sytem “Sol” crafted by God (or some other name of god)”. The camera fades to black.