Tuesday, 22 December 2009

The great globe research part 1

here are some pictures i have found of the great globe, bothe of these give me a good understanding of its structure.



Spiderman and pigeon

The spiderman model has been refined and kept and I have modeled a pigeon which is a part of one of the gags.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

project 3: transcription

for this project i have had an idea to model a piece of architechture as my aim it to be modeling more than anything else.

this piece of architechture i was thinking of to make into 3d is one that no longer exists due to it being destroyed due to the permit running out on the land hence why it needs to me recreated in a new format.

it is called the The Great Globe formerly built in Leicester (inspired during watching an episode of Q.I.). Its got enough detail to keep me busy and to agree with my lust for high detail modeling.

Research to follow soon.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Spiderman modeled

Its taken a while to get a decent model done for the main character of our project but I think its turned out pretty well, 3 versions were created according to certain stages of the project.

the first: this was done without any decent orthographs while we were still working of the plot.

the second: this one was done with orthographs but stopped when a new style for spiderman came into play.

the third and most likely final: this is the unsmoothed version of it to see if it works.