It came to me while I was in between states of awake and asleep, you know when you are awake but your mind is floating between the dream world and conciousness.
I have the ideas for the villain and the villain's side-kick (henchman) already, I even have an image in my head of how they will look like hopefully my drawing skills will be able to portray them how i would like.
just to remind you the context is mythic.
the Era i have decided is that of Greek.
Name: Hydran/Hydrax
Occupation: Evil sorcerer
Age: About 41
Place of Birth: Macedonia
Bio: He grew up in Macedonia a city steeped in the belief that sorcery was the way of demons, even so he studied sorcery in order to help people. At the age of 27 he was caught praticing it by the city guard, he was henceforth charged with conspiring with demons and hastily exiled. After 14 long years of exile he has come back for revenge and to take over all of greece, during those years he managed to fuse his weak human body with that of a hydra giving him the agility to evade capture.
Name: (undecided)
Occupation: Minion/Punching Bag/Stress Relief
Creature: King Cobra
Age: unknown
Place of Birth: India
Bio: Born in India and stowed away on a ship to greece, being alone and seeking shelter slithered into a cave and happened accross the recently exiled Hydran/Hydrax. Hydran/Hydrax was also seeking company so he gave (undecided) the power of speech. (undecided) has stayed with Hydran/Hydrax for the countless years watching Hydran/Hydrax go slowly insane.