Sunday, 7 December 2008

First bit of research

As i explained in a previous post the task for this project involved creating a picture that included some kind of eerie whats happening aspect.

I thought what do i find strange and a tad bit creepy and i thought 'empty places'!

Then i went further and thought what is the environment that more people find strange when empty i figured out that its train stations, mainly the underground tube stations. Heck even i believe they are creepy.

These are pictures of empty places followed by the ones associated with tube stations as these where searched for just after the first ones:

Project 3: Digital Environments

The third project sets the task of creating a scene with contents which shows no definite purpose or story. The scene has to be created within Maya.

This project interests me as it belongs in the realm of 3D for which is my interest. First off i must do my research. This research will be focused on the pictures surrounding the aspects of uncanny and the eerie.