Sunday, 7 December 2008

First bit of research

As i explained in a previous post the task for this project involved creating a picture that included some kind of eerie whats happening aspect.

I thought what do i find strange and a tad bit creepy and i thought 'empty places'!

Then i went further and thought what is the environment that more people find strange when empty i figured out that its train stations, mainly the underground tube stations. Heck even i believe they are creepy.

These are pictures of empty places followed by the ones associated with tube stations as these where searched for just after the first ones:

Project 3: Digital Environments

The third project sets the task of creating a scene with contents which shows no definite purpose or story. The scene has to be created within Maya.

This project interests me as it belongs in the realm of 3D for which is my interest. First off i must do my research. This research will be focused on the pictures surrounding the aspects of uncanny and the eerie.

Monday, 17 November 2008

3rd concept complete!

whoot finally they are all done, if think i have done pretty well seeing that i have never been able to draw well until now.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Getting there

The third concept, this one is still in progress but not much further to go. Damn houses.

Second complete concept

This is the first one i started working on but i swept it aside for a mo to work on the one in the previous post. This one i altered some of the colours of some of the aspects and added a little bit of texture to some of it.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

First complete concept

Sorry for not posting the stages of progression but this one was a very quickly done one most of it was done in 1 day and some final touch up was just done tonight so here it is:

Friday, 14 November 2008

It just don't look right

The previous version which i have posted earlier just doesn't feel right so i thought i'll redo it a bit:

Monday, 3 November 2008

Colouring START!

here is The Summer Night started being painted.

others will be added when they are started.

Concept sketches

First ideas of the scenes, i will update this post with new concepts when they come into my head (click to full view).


Concept 1:

Concept 2:

Concept 3:

The Summer Night:

Concept 1:

Concept 2:
Concept 1:

New project! Enviroment concepts

Second project involves creating concepts of scenes from selected chapters from a selected book.

My selected book is The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

The chapters were Ylla, The Summer Night, and also Interim.

I have read through the chapters and have researched some reference images for the scenes.

These are some of them:

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Portrait progress!

Since the interim crit I decided that i shall do the first of the ideas for my portrait.

I decided to change the method of which i was doing portrait due to the fact that it would be easier to actually press my face against something than try to edit a picture to look like i have.

I got my friend to take a picture of me behind some glass pressing my face against it. This was decided due to the fact that the stick my head in the scanner idea kind of didn't work out too well, the image was too dark and not enough of my face was captured.

Image of me against glass:
This image if you see has the reflection of the camera within it. The camera is not what i want in the picture so i decided to use the clone tool in photoshop to remove it.

Then i cut out the outside in order to paste just my face onto a copy of my desktop background. Since my face was a bit to hard on the desktop I made a dissolving outer glow making it look like I'm disintegrating a tiny bit.

Image after editing:
Then I set the picture as my laptop background and took my laptop out into a lit hallway and got my friend to take a picture.

This is an unedited final portrait:PLEASE comment.

Thank you.

Monday, 29 September 2008


Oh dear, that word does not a friend make.

But anyhoo here is some research images:

I have no idea who made these pictures but since since I'm looking at using photoshop for my portrait i think these work nicely:

Each one of these has something different that has been done in photoshop:

picture 1: This picture involves two different source images one a portrait and the other a fur ball. These two images were then layered together and blurred together to create the image.

picture 2: This picture involves an original picture of a kid leaning into a well/pond this was then given grain and colour retouching in order to get the feel and the red water. The fairy on the side of the well/pond is drawn in.

picture 3: This picture involves the use of computer icons to compose the portrait instead of a base image. I believe this image was showing us that these are the programs that comprise his life.

picture 4: This picture comprises of an original image on the bottom layer and basically the person who created this has drawn over the image ignoring details and replacing the eyes, nose and mouth with cartoony looking versions.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

first ideas

new ideas!

This first idea was being thrown around my head for the past day or so, then i decided before i forget it i'll scribble it out. As you can see below this picture involves me holding my laptop yet my head being trapped inside it. The notes to the side explain what i need to do to pull it off.

This picture is meant to represent the fact that i have had my laptop for so long i have been trapped by it not being able to escape from it.

Below is a second picture which i thought of while i was doodling the previous picture this picture depicts me struggling to not get sucked into my laptop also it has another aspect to that you cannot see my face cos i'm engrossed in what i'm doing.

Please leave comments as these will help me with my work. Thank you.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Blog started

Well I've just set up this blog and this is for posting the progress of some of my uni work.

I've only been coming to uni for a week and a half now but i believe i will enjoy it.

Rules for comments: (i know it may seem a bit harsh)

  • Sorry but no rude comments or images.
    • If these are found I will personally edit them or at most delete them.
  • Critique is encouraged as this will help me understand whether there is anything I may or may not have to change about my project.
Thank you.